Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Inspiration

"How hot is it?" "It's really hot." Well of course it's hot... it summertime. Along with the heat comes bits of childhood memories of wonderful summers. And August... well August is great, it's my birthday month. I just returned from my annual week away at "art camp", and I am so inspired to get to my studio and paint everyday. I am pretty sure it is a combination of the two... summer and art camp. Spending a week with 80 or 90 artists who are so excited to making art and enjoying the natural beauty of the mountains has a way of renewing your spirit.

I am painting away... wanting to share the beauty I see, in a unique way, my personal voice through paint and sometimes paper and ink.
landscape in progress

day 2

Friday, March 9, 2012

New Directions in Bits and Pieces

on the "drawing board", work in progress

I know that change and new direction is healthy for any artist. For me, art and the art-making I do is all about my view of the world around me. It would certainly be boring if "the view" never changed.
Any artist who has ever tried to "ride the wave" of past masterpieces knows that a fresh perspective of the subject leads to growth and success. Some people love mom was one who moved the furniture in our home just about weekly. Walking in the dark was definitely not safe. I very rarely, "move the furniture". Change for dumb.
I am however, very excited about all the "changes" and exploration going on in my art studio. I love texture, it has been a part of my art for years; working on canvases and board textured with gesso and collaged elements. After many years of collecting bits and pieces of the treasures that capture my attention I am venturing into more mixed media. I just know for sure, that I want to be excited every day to get to my studio and work.
I like to take all those bits and pieces and share my vision of the subject...or lack of subject. It is not easy...pulling so many possibilites together in a cohesive and artful way. That would be boring.
Stay-tuned...I am working to finish some new pieces. I hope they will convey my excitement and passions for the "treasures" that are here for our taking, everyday.