Thursday, April 16, 2009

moving forward

Sometimes things seems to progress soooooooo slooooooooowly. In the past, while preparing for an upcoming exhibition, I have been able to maintain a crazy schedule of working feverishly to create new pieces of art. It surprises even me when I think back to last year and the Road Trip exhibition. I sketched, painted, collaged and printed almost 30 new artworks in the span of 5 months. That was pretty crazy.

Everything comes in cycles. After completing a large series of work, I have to take a break. Put down the brushes and paints and spend a little time in observation. Explore the art world around me and let the creative juices rejuvenate.

I am still playing around with new techniques for acrylics. I want to be challenged and expressive, always learning more about how to communicate through paint and paper and canvas.


start and nearly finished

I have overcome the fear of showing unfinished work, too. I hope I convey just how much I love what I do.

Comments Welcome.