Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tis the Season

I know Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, but I'm speaking of the art festival season. Here in Florida it runs from October through April, sometimes a May show. It's a crazy thing!
It starts with the search for the perfect show, which usually means a subscription to Sunshine Artists magazine. Or the online digital entry process through one of several websites like Zapplication. Ah, the perfect show, it must be there... a wonderful location (sunny but not too hot)that attracts thousands of well-heeled (poem to follow), saavy, somewhat impulsive, wealthy, original art adoring, patrons. And could the organizers of the show please provide coffee and pastries in the mornings.
It can be a scary thing! Let me just lay myself out there for all to see, and comment on. Most artists, me for instance, are highly emotional beings...we long to share a glimpse into who we are and what we are passionate about. You could have a great sales day and still be stuck remembering that one, not so well-heeled guy with the cigar that shook his head and frowned when he walked by.
Working the artshow circuit is expensive too, you will need the following items:
a tent, (with sides and weights, and ropes), display racks, picture hangers, bungee cords, a hammer,(I never use it but...) extra tarps, a rug is nice, several chairs, an umbrella, a small table, a print bin, a coffee mug, pencils and a guest book, sales books and credit card machines, masking tape, duct tape. Not to mention paying for the 10x10 space that all your gear will sit on for the week-end. The list goes on and on.
Following is a poem I wrote during the throes of a show, it will explain the reference to "well-heeled shoppers.
Judge art shoppers
by their shoes
Flip-flops; not good
Worn out sneakers; no sale
German driving shoes,
Short stylish sandals with heels,
That's what I am looking for!
Peeking out from under my umbrella
I always feel the urge to smile when I
look someone in the eye,
It's 3:30 and my jaw is sore.
By the way, I will be in booth 106 this week-end at ARTWORKS in Melbourne, Fl. Please...wear your good shoes.

1 comment:

Lou Belcher said...

Great poem. I'm going to wear my best shoes to ArtWorks this weekend. Good luck with the show.