Friday, July 29, 2011

The Wild Life

Wildacres Retreat Wildacres, North Carolina
My annual week at art camp is sadly over. I will miss my fellow artists; new friends and old friends. It is wonderful to be immersed in a rich environment of art, artists and art-making; collaborations are inevitable, and force one from their comfort zone. I have been attending Ringling College of Art's continuing ed summer program for 11 years.
My printmaking class was made up of a range of art students; young and old, professional and new explorers. By day two, we are the "printmakers"... we cut, chisel, carve, scratch, ink and press. There are four types of printmaking; Intalio (printing the ink below the surface; etching, drypoint), Relief (printing the ink above the surface; woodcut, linocut collagraph), Planographic (lithography; printing the ink on a flat surface by means of the principle that grease attracts grease and repels water) and stencil (silk screen, serigraphy; forcing ink through a design of tiny holes onto your surface). We explored 3 of them through linocuts, drypoint, and monoprints. I enjoying working with smaller projects this year which allowed for more exploration and experimentation. I must be getting latest printing session this year was only till 2:30am, in years past I have found myself there hard at work till 5:00 am.
Printmaking is elusive and nearly impossible to truly control; this is what I find so appealing about the medium. One missed step or slip of the hand and your "masterpiece" might make a background for some mixed media artwork, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The next time you see art made via a printmaking some love!

Friday, July 22, 2011

The creative process expands

Last night at dinner we were talking about possible creative avenues we might explore for the evening. I had mentioned my families often unscripted, spur of the moment, movie making escapades ... Of course if you are an artist, you call them "short films".
So after a crazy night of writing a script, casting actors and filming... Jere I sit trying to edit our clips to make a movie. All in the name of ART.

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Location:Wild Acres Rd,Marion,United States

So Many Techniques...So Little Time

Printmaking encompasses a multitude of techniques. We have working hard, trying new things and new approaches to methods practiced in the past. There is always lots of removal of ink before the paper and ink meet. my friend and table mate Lind is working to prepare her plate for a run through the press,

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Location:Wild Acres Rd,Marion,United States

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dirty hands...finally

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We have been working with black ink only, until today. These are 2 of my Lino cuts of fruit bats. Today we have incorporated color and I have been working to make small abstract pieces. Now to draw out my next piece...another relief, trying to decide on wood or linoleum.

Location:Wild Acres Rd,Marion,United States

Late Nights in the Studio

It is already day 3 of the workshop... Actually day 4 since it is 1:30 am and I am just getting back from the printmaking studio. Tuesday and Wednesday are late nights, but Thursday nights can easily turn into Friday morning, since it is our last night to work. I had some success today with relief and intaglio...Lino block and drypoint etching. Tomorrow, pictures of some finished prints.

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Location:Wild Acres Rd,Marion,United States

Sunday, July 17, 2011


So wonderful to be in the mountains again! Everything is refreshing. Memories of this special week, for the last 11 years... Friends that have come and gone.

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Location:Wild Acres Rd,Marion,United States

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How big is Elkin?

Elkin, NC population: I don't know specific numbers, but small.
It does have the most wonderful restaurant though...always a stop at Twenty & Main on my way to Wildacres. My nephew Jeff Gibbs is chef/owner along with his fiancé Erika.

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Location:S Bridge St,Jonesville,United States

Travels to the Wild

Another year has slipped by, not so smoothly as many past. Too many sad times lately, so up to the mountains, to the "wild"...Wildacres. The back of my Suburban is stuffed with art supplies, therapy :) two hours to drive to get to my nephews for a phenomenal meal, I am sure.

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Location:Richburg,United States