I have been thinking back on a very special group of paintings created for "Roadtrip, Impressions of a Memory", the solo exhibition about the trip I took with my dad. The trip was about re-connecting with my father's past...the people and places of his childhood in rural Appalachia.
As usual for me, I got excited about the possiblities and pushed myself for four or five months to express it all...the stories, his memories, the ties to my childhood memories; a plethora of material to process. 15 paintings, 13 monoprints, a book and a video later... a wonderful exhibition. I can call it wonderful... I am happy when I get a BIG idea, and can work out all the crazy details and plans, and hold true to the original sentiment.
It is nice to look back...to that magical trip with my dad, to the stories I will forever treasure and to the artwork that was my attempt to capture many moments in time.
I will be talking about my artwork and the exhibition to a group at Brevard Art Museum tomorrow. My personal take on my creative process is that I am always striving to share my passions through my art. Some of my process may change over the years..but I hope the passion always shines through.
You can read more about "Roadtrip, Impressions of a Memory" at http://www.shop.reneedecator.com/collections/road-trip-impressions-of-a-memory