Aunt Betty's House
I am back to work on my upcoming show at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in Melbourne, Florida. "Roadtrip, Impressions of a Memory", will premiere the new work inspired by a wonderful journey I took last summer with my 87 year old father and my 18 year old son Tom.
My father, Chester Webb, holds a very special place in my heart. He is someone I respect and admire and I was so fortunate to be able to make this trip possible for him. I will always cherish the memory. The "memory" referred to in the show's title is his. Our quest to reconnect to the places and people of those memories is the subject of the artwork. I love to hear a story and let in develop into my impression. I hope to share the "magic" with you.
To read more about the trip, you can read my blog entitled, "Road Trip" from September. Just scroll down through my previous blog posts. I welcome your comments!